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Carbon County Community Forum

Palmerton, PA


Fostering Community Growth and Resilience

Fostering Community Growth and Resilience

Contributing Writer: Quantifi Media


Carbon County Community Forum

1660 Blue Mountain Dr, Palmerton, PA 18071



On Friday March 17th, community leaders, nonprofit representatives, and volunteers gathered for the Carbon County Community Forum at Blue Mountain Resort. The forum was aimed to bring together individuals and organizations invested in strengthening the county's communities and fostering sustainable growth.

The day began with registration, breakfast, and networking, providing attendees with an opportunity to connect with one another and establish relationships that could further their work. Following this, Sharon Alexander, from the Carbon County Community Foundation , and Christine Biege, from the Lehigh Valley Health Network , welcomed the group and set the tone for the day.

The forum was organized into a series of updates, breakout sessions, and a keynote presentation. These were designed to address critical issues facing the community, including transportation, workforce development, grant writing, and marketing, among others.

The first breakout session, Effective Volunteer Engagement, featured a panel of various experts from the Volunteer Center of Lehigh Valley , who discussed strategies for engaging and retaining volunteers. The second session, Workforce Development & You: An Interactive Conversation, was led by Samuel Hellen, from the Pocono Counties Workforce Development Area , and Maureen Donovan, from the LCCC Center for Leadership & Workforce Development. This session encouraged active participation and offered practical tips for workforce development.

Following lunch, Brenda K. Reynolds delivered the keynote presentation, The 'Now What' to 'Why Not' Transformation Journey, which explored how individuals and organizations can take actionable steps towards transformation and growth. Reynolds provided a roadmap for developing resilience and fostering creativity in the face of change.
After the break, Christine DeSousa, from the Palmerton Area Library , and Melissa Hawk, from the Lehighton Area Memorial Library , updated attendees on the Carbon County Libraries, which serve as vital community resources. 

The final breakout sessions of the day included Grantwriting Do's & Don'ts, led by Steve Chuckra from the Lehigh River Stocking Association , and Marketing & Advertising with Facebook & Instagram, led by Courtney Quaresimo, Founder and CEO of Quantifi Media. Both breakout sessions were informative and interactive ensuring the communication of knowledge and expertise for each organization to utilize.

The Carbon County Community Forum provided attendees with a wealth of resources and information to take back to their organizations and communities. With a wide range of knowledge and expertise the forum exceeded expectations to support and assist these organizations. Through its focus on critical issues and interactive sessions, the forum facilitated connections and fostered the growth of individuals and organizations invested in the betterment of the Carbon County community.

Photography By: Courtney Quaresimo



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